Cattle Feed Supplement
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Leading Exporters, Wholesaler and Manufacturers of and AP-Liv Hepatoprotective Performance Enhancer from Saharanpur.
Composition Each 5 ml contains mass ext. derived from
- Bhui amla (Phyllanthus niruri) 500mg.
- Bhu nimba (Andrographis paniculata) 100mg.
- Maha nimba (Azadirachta India) 100mg.
- Punanava (Bowhraavia diffusa) 100rng.
- Sarpankha (Tephrosia purpurea) 100mg.
- Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) 50mg.
- Ajmoda (Adium graveoles) 50mg.
- Curcuma Longa (halud) 50mg.
- Vavding (Emblica ribes) 30mg.
- Pipali (Pippal longum) 30mg.
- Picrorrhiza kurr (Kutki) 10mg.
- Allium sativum (lahsan) 25mg.
- Milk thistle 30mg.
- Lohasav 0.04 ml.
- Kumari asav 0.04 ml.
- Excipients Q.S.
Feeding Directions or Usage :
- Chicks : 3 ml. to 5 ml. per 100 birds for 5-7 days.
- Growers/Broilers: 5 ml. to 7 ml. 100 birds for 5-7 days.
- Layers : 10 ml. per 100 birds for 5 -7 days.
- Enhance growth, weight gain. FCR and livability.
- Enhance liver metabolism and protects liver from the ill effects of afiatoxins, pesticides, antibiotics etc.
- Supportive medication in toxic condition, fatty liver condition and other hepatic disorders.
- Act as prophylactic after antibiotic therapy.
- Immunomodulatoiy effect.
- General tonic to be use regularly to enha. liver functioning.